Annual Plant Sale & Conservation Fair
For over 40 years, the Orleans County Conservation District has hosted an annual plant sale for the community. We offer a variety of bare-root plants, including fruit and trees, berry bushes, native trees, and a selection of flowering plants and shrubs.
The 2025 Annual Plant Sale ONLINE STORE is now OPEN.
CLICK HERE to go to the Plant Sale Website.
The order deadline is Monday, April 7.
To download a printable version of the plant sale catalog and order form, click on the links below.
Catalog 2025 -Plant Sale FINAL.docx.pdf2025 Plant Sale Order Form.pdfPlant Sale order deadline is MON, APRIL 7. Plant Pick Up Day is SAT, May 3 For more details about ordering and pick up, go to our Plant Sale Website.
Planting on your property can provide many benefits: tasty snacks for you and your family, add beauty to your land (even in the wetter spots), provide shade, help with erosion control on lake shores and riverbanks, provide habitat for wildlife and so much more!
This year's plant sale theme is Embrace the Wet... Transform Wet Areas into Forested Blooming Beauty! Did you know that Northeast VT is receiving the highest increase in precipitation in the state and that the most common soil type in Orleans County is poorly drained Cabot silt loam?
For 2025, we are offering a lovely variety of medicinal herbs and “wet-loving” trees and flowering plants, including lots of willows. Some plants will ONLY be available for purchase on Plant Sale Pick Up Day.

NEW THIS YEAR: Willow Stakes & willow stakes workshop!
This year, we are excited to offer willow stakes and fascines for sale AND a willow staking workshop on the same day as the Plant Sale Pick Up Day in May 3 (see below for details). Willow stakes and fascines can be used by groups or landowners to plant on eroding slopes and for stream bank stabilization projects. Live Stakes are woody cuttings from hybrid shrub willows with branches trimmed off and no current roots. Fascines are dormant branch cuttings from hybrid shrub willows with branches trimmed off and no current roots, bound together into long cylindrical 6-10' bundles. These bundles are placed in shallow trenches for fast-growing root and vegetative growth which slow erosion and shallow sliding.

Willow stakes and fascines are a low-cost option of plant materials for stabilizing lakeshores and river banks. They are well-suited for areas with low to moderate slopes. Healthy vegetation in shoreland areas helps prevent soil erosion while providing shade, pollution filtering, and food for aquatic organisms. And once fully established, this vegetation provides the roughness to slow high water flows, resulting in a native wildlife habitat and a thriving environment that needs little maintenance.
To learn more about willow stakes and fascines please review our installation fact sheet. Or the Lake Wise BMP sheet is also informative.
WILLOW LIVE STAKES & FASCINES WORKSHOP- Join us for an installation demonstration of willow live stakes and fascines. Live staking is a low-cost and easy way to stabilize shorelines and river banks. Co-hosted by JP Sicard, the workshop is a component of our Annual Plant Sale Pick Up Day and Conservation Fair at Orleans County Fairgrounds on May 3. RSVP requested. Questions? Contact Ted Sedell, OCNRCD Riparian Lands Program Manager at:
If you are interested in attending the live staking workshop, please register here.