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Conservation Planning 

Memphremagog Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)

The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is a comprehensive and flexible program that uses partnerships to stretch and multiply conservation investments and reach conservation goals on a regional or watershed scale. First created in the 2014 Farm Bill, the RCPP is a partner-driven, locally-led approach to conservation. It offers new opportunities to USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to harness innovation, welcome new partners to the conservation mission, and demonstrate the value and efficacy of voluntary, private lands conservation. 

Farm Bill Support 

OCNRCD staff to provide technical assistance to enable agricultural producers to participate in US Department of Agriculture Farm Bill and other programs.  This assistance primarily consists of responding to requests for technical assistance and conducting NRCS conservation planning. This planning includes helping land stewards access financial assistance provided by NRCS to implement practices to address natural resource concerns.