Riparian Lands Program
The goal of our Riparian Lands Program is to improve water quality by better managing near-water land resources.
To work toward this goal, our staff engages in the following activities:
- Reaching out or responding to landowners about inquiries related to tributaries on their property
- Conducting assessments of tributaries and culverts, looking at erosive conditions and other geomorphic features
- Developing and prioritizing projects along with our partners, municipalities, and other stakeholders
- Identifying and securing funding for project design and implementation of restoration projects
- Promoting, supporting and implementing programs like Trees for Streams
- Managing riparian restoration projects with interested landowners including tree and shrub plantings to establish vegetated buffers, streambank stabilization, culvert replacement, floodplain connectivity, and livestock exclusion
For more specifics on the Trees for Streams program and Riparian Project Management, click on the boxes below, or reach out to Ted Sedell, Riparian Lands Program Manager (see side box for contact info).